I my mind when I think about how I want to so easily impose my game. Be able to flow from one move to the next and essentially have my partner have no idea on how to keep up. I can imagine myself effortless chaining armbars into sweeps and making it look easy. Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
The reality is starkly different.
I’m often jerky and slow. I don’t attack that well. I’m often stuck on my back. I get lazy and start to rest when I should be moving. I can’t get arm bars at all, I’m always out of position. I can’t get chokes, it feels like they are always defending and so much stronger. This can come from just having one or two bad rolls.
It’s funny, if I can’t impose any of my game plan on someone it can be quite deflating. Admittedly I’m not going flat out any more, but still I feel that I should be able to flow and impose a game plan against people going hard.
I feel I have more technical knowledge than most. This comes from knowing all the finer points that most people forget, and I see that they have forgotten in drilling. However I’m struggling translating technical knowledge into ground advantage.
I feel my timing is off. Windows of opportunity are passing me by and I’m just powerless to stop it. This I imagine frustrates a lot of BJJ practitioners. The problem is the other guy (or girl). They are learning too, and I imagine in their own mind would also see themselves as rolling the way I envision I want to roll.
I want to be a butterfly, yet I’m just a slimy slug atm. I know what I want to do, but it’s so far away right now. I guess that’s why I’m liking the going back to basics. Re-assessing everything I know about BJJ.
Hopefully one day I’ll stop being such a slug. For now I have to learn how to quicken my timing to take advantages of tactical errors.