I’ve struggled with arm bars. You see I’m not the most flexible person in the world, I can’t even touch my toes if my legs are straight, both my hamstrings and back are really stiff. So often I find myself in very uncomfortable positions well before most people do, especially when it comes to stacking.
The thing with the stack for say Arm bar from guard is that I feel way to much pressure before they have over committed to the stack. It frustrates me that such a large part of the BJJ is difficult for me because I don’t even have average flexibility, I’m within the bottom 5% I’d say.
Anyway, I’ve already vowed to improve my flexibility. I wish I had a time machine as I’d go back to when I was 12 years old and tell myself to stretch everyday. I know it will take awhile but I’m hoping I can at least touch my toes comfortably in 6 months time.
As for the arm bar stacking I’ve learn some good pointers so far. Don’t cross your legs as you lose downward force, raise your hips and lastly rotate underneath them, creating a fulcrum point with my body when they over-commit the stack. I don’t consider arm bars part of my game, I do need them though to generate threat from my true goal, the choke. Still two aspects let me down, flexibility and timing. For me, both of which will take time to solve.